New Release
Discovering the Blessings Raising
a Child with Special Needs
by Ana Munoz

Everyone has a plan on how to raise a child until the unthinkable happens, and it shakes the foundation of your world. The plans that were made around raising a ‘normal’ child ended quicker than they began.
In this transparent and honest lifestory, Ana Munoz shares her insights and faith in raising a daughter with Special Needs. Ana tells of the mountains that she has climbed to provide a world for her daughter that is filled with love and understanding.
Giving birth to her has taken her on unexpected journeys of all the unknowns. Her daughter’s life did not come with a manual, but it came with titbits of life lessons that she would not change in her world.
Ana shares the lessons she’s learned, perhaps the biggest being not to stereotype kids with special needs but to teach them that the sky is the limit. As she’s watched her daughter grow, she’s learned to celebrate the small beginnings. Small steps for others are big steps and even breakthroughs for her.
These big steps have opened immense doors of opportunities on the island of Kauai with her peers and the community. Ana’s hope in life is that her daughter knows that’s she is perfectly loved, and that she has positively impacted those around her.
It is time to come along on this journey with her. She will give you hope, strength and courage to live when you get hit with the unexpected.
Blessings to all and Mahalo!
Ana has lived in what some would call Paradise for over 35 years with her 2 sons and daughter, Mariana. When Mariana was born, she had the diagnosis of Down syndrome.
Ana has experienced many struggles, including times when she didn’t think she was capable of raising a child with special needs, but as the months and years went by, Ana was getting stronger.
Ana has witnessed the repeated trials and breakthroughs of her daughter, realizing she was far stronger than she thought. She knew she had a hidden purpose unfolding right before her eyes as she continued to learn more about her daughter’s world.
Ana had co-owned a restaurant for 20 years, and once that chapter closed, she found a new chapter in her life working as a habilitation assistant for adults with special needs. Ana’s passion and courageousness has pioneered new ways to include the community of special needs in a place that has always had very limited resources.
Thanks to Ana’s work, the special needs community now has camps, clubs, Bible study, creative sign dance, and prom. Ana ensures the special needs community does not get left out or left behind.
Ana enjoys creative writing, crafts, outdoor activities, and travel. She’s always up for trying something new.
Ana’s most important lesson for Mariana is to know she is perfectly loved. She wants to leave her daughter and her community with a legacy to live life to the fullest and always with courage.

What is Ana’s next Journey:
- Children’s Book
- Podcasts
- Special Needs Home Economics Workshops
- Turning my Book into Audible
- Translating Perfectly Loved in other languages
- Building a Special Needs Orphanage in Mexico